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Best-selling author Brian O'Sullivan was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, attending high school locally before heading to UC Santa Barbara for college.


He was naturally bright but didn't enjoy 9-5 life, so after graduation, he dedicated himself full-time to playing poker.


Brian played professionally for nearly a decade, achieving great heights and playing against the best in the world.


Knowing he didn't want to spend the rest of his life on the green felt of a poker table, Brian settled in LA and started writing screenplays. He'd always been a writer and enjoyed the allure of Hollywood.


However, it's often about whom you know in Hollywood, and Brian's screenplays have yet to make their way into the right hands.


So, Brian started dedicating himself to writing novels...and the rest is history. His 12th novel - and what he thinks is his best yet! - THE PHOTO ALBUM came out in December of 2023.


Brian splits his time between the Bay Area and Los Angeles. He's a responsible writer in the former and a bit of a troublemaker in the latter.

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